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Legally LinkedIn/What Lawyers Need to Know (2016)

Legally LinkedIn/What Lawyers Need to Know (2016)

Total Credits: 1.5 Ethics

Learn how to attract clients and develop business. Seasoned faculty will provide practical ideas you can implement right away. Panelists will share advice on LinkedIn marketing, targeted prospecting and social media. Panelists will also explore the limitations placed on lawyers by the ethics rules. Leading authorities on legal ethics will discuss the New York Rules of Professional Conduct, case law, and ethics opinions governing the marketing of legal services by lawyers. 

LinkedIn is the place for lawyers to be to find colleagues and contacts who may become key parts of their business generating network. Activity can take as little as 15 minutes a day or as much as you want. Hear Marc Halpert, LinkedIn coach and guru, explain best practices for using LinkedIn to develop business and business-related resources. Tara Fappiano, partner at Havkins Rosenfeld Ritzert & Varriale, LLP, will share examples of her success with LinkedIn, and Carol Schiro Greenwald, Ph.D., law firm strategist and practitioner coach, will discuss the ethical do's and don'ts as they apply to LinkedIn.


Carol Schiro Greenwald, Ph.D.
CSG Marketing Partners
Author, Build Your Practice the Logical Way: Maximize Your Client Relationships [ABA, First Chair Press, 2012]
Editor, Grow Your Practice: Legal Marketing and Business Development Strategies [NYSBA, 2015]
Fellow, College of Law Practice Management
Tara C. Fappiano, Esq.
Havkins Rosenfeld Ritzert & Varriale, LLP
White Plains, NY
Marc W. Halpert
LinkedIn Trainer and Evangelist


Published Date:
  • April 12, 2016
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VEI01
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
  • 1.5
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.5