COVID-19 Shut Down: Addressing the Needs of Not-for-Profits
Topics include meeting remotely to reopening including financial considerations for not-for-profits that are facing lost or reduced revenues due to the shut-down or coming government funding cuts (e.g., use of reserves, restricted assets, endowment funds, sale of assets, etc.)
Karin Kunstler Goldman, Esq. – New York Attorney General's Office Charities Bureau
Susan E. Golden, Esq. – Venable LLP
Emanuela D'Ambrogio, Esq. – Barclay Damon LLP
Published Date:
- June 24, 2020
- Online On-Demand
Product Code:
- VHW11
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
- 1.0
Total Credit(s):
- 1.0
Recorded Date:
- 50min