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Arbitration and Mediation 2021: Best Practices Working Through and Beyond

Arbitration and Mediation 2021: Best Practices Working Through and Beyond

Made up of panels of leading providers, clients, arbitrators mediators, and academics in the ADR field, the program will conduct an in-the-weeds appraisal of our COVID experiences and how we can use them to improve our delivery of ADR from the perspectives of all interested parties.

The program will include a report by John Kiernan, Chair of the Chief’s Judge’s presumption mediation initiative and Hon. Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York Court System, as to what we can expect in the coming years by way of increases of cases to be mediated through the court system across the various substantive and geographical areas, including upstate.

The keynote address will be given by Fordham Dean Emeritus John Feerick, one of the founders and foremost leaders of New York’s ADR world for many decades and national leaders in initiating and developing ADR into law school curriculums.

This program will also take a look at the ethics and inclusion issues that have arisen during COVID and how such issues will impact arbitration and mediation practice in the coming years, hopefully for the benefit of parties and all who serve them.

The program will close with a panel on ADR practice development in the time of COVID, examining what has worked during this period and what is likely to work going forward in the post-COVID world as we all strive to solidify our practices and the ADR services offered.


Prof. John D. Feerick, Fordham Law School

Laura Kaster, Chair, Dispute Resolution Section

Jonathan Fellows, Chair, Commercial and Federal Litigation Section

Charles J. Moxley, Jr., Program Co-Chair

Jeffrey T. Zaino, Program Co-Chair

Edward K. Lenci, Incoming Chair of the International Section

Marek Krasula, Director, Arbitration and ADR, North America, International Court of Arbitration® 

Mia Levi, CPR: International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution 

Chrystal Loyer – FINRA Dispute Resolution Services

Michal Marra, American Arbitration Association (AAA); International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) 

Matthew York – JAMS

James Cowan, Associate General Counsel Global Litigation-Americas Shell Oil Company

David M. Goldman, Esq., General Counsel, GAMCO Investors, Inc.

James Masterson, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Litigation, MasterCard 

Susan Stone, General Counsel, Marsh LLC, Marsh & McLennan Companies

Hon. Ariel Belen (Ret.), JAMS

William H. Crosby, Jr., Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Interpublic Group

Hon. Carol E. Heckman, Esq. (Ret.), Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP

John S. Kiernan, Esq., Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; Chair, Chief Judge’s Advisory Committee on ADR in the New York Court System

Hon. Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, New York Court System

Theo Cheng, ADR Office of Theo Cheng

Benjamin Davis, Professor of Law, University of Toledo Law School (retired)

Ingeuneal Gray, Co-Chair, Diversity Committee of the American Arbitration Association

Deborah Masucci, Masucci Dispute Management and Resolution Services

David C. Singer, Singer ADR Neutral Services

Todd L. Drucker, Esq., Regional Practice Development Director, JAMS

Mansi Karol, Esq., American Arbitration Association

Jisook Lee, Associate Director, FINRA Dispute Resolution Services

Helena Tavares Erickson, Senior Vice President, CPR: International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Published Date:
  • March 24, 2021
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VKD11
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 4.0
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
  • 1.5
Skills Credit(s):
  • 1.5
Total Credit(s):
  • 7.0