If You Have an Auto Accident

By NYSBA Lawyer Referral Service

December 19, 2022

If You Have an Auto Accident


By NYSBA Lawyer Referral Service


If you get in an automobile accident, here are a few of the steps you can take.

What should you do if you’re involved in an automobile accident in New York?


By law, you are required to stop and exchange information.

With whom?

  • Other drivers
  • Injured persons
  • Owners of damaged property
  • Owners of certain kinds of injured domestic animals
  • Police, if present

Do I have to call the police?

Yes, if someone is injured!

Any time a person is injured, or killed, you are required to immediately notify the police.

If property damage to one driver exceeds $1,000, each driver involved in the accident is required to fill out a report.

What should I do if someone is injured?

Injured persons should receive first consideration!

You should immediately attempt to call an ambulance. When you contact any emergency personnel, you will need to identify your location as quickly and as precisely as possible.

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