Category: Podcast

The NYS Legislature and the Red Scare of 1920 | Hank Greenberg

EPISODE SUMMARY: Hank Greenberg, a shareholder at Greenberg Traurig and president of the New York State Bar Association, takes the past very seriously. He talks to David about the 1920 New York State Legislature’s refusal to seat five duly elected Socialist party members, the reaction of the organized bar and the lessons it holds for … Continued

Managing Cybersecurity Risks | with Mark Berman

EPISODE SUMMARY: Mark Berman, a partner at Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP, describes how an innocent-looking link can allow a virus to infect your server and then your clients’, vendors’ and others’ systems.

All Education Considered | with T. Andrew Brown

EPISODE SUMMARY: T. Andrew Brown, managing partner at Brown Hutchinson LLP, has a passion for education. He talks to David about his work as Vice Chancellor of the SUNY Board of Regents and how access to a good education is the basis for life’s opportunities.

Hartunian Reflects on Corruption, Mueller and How to Build a Case

EPISODE SUMMARY: Richard Hartunian, now a partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, served 20 years in the Justice Department, including nearly eight as US Attorney for the Northern District of New York. He discusses how Supreme Court rulings in Skilling and McDonnell have changed the way we prosecute corruption, the strategies of Special Counsel Robert … Continued

School to Prison Pipeline | Sharon Stern Gerstman

EPISODE SUMMARY: Immediate Past President Sharon Stern Gerstman, of counsel at Magavern Magavern Grimm, discusses “zero tolerance” disciplinary policies in schools and how they can criminalize even minor infractions. She sees hope in student-led youth courts and the trend toward restorative justice.

Elections in the Aftermath of Bosnia’s Civil War | Michael Miller

EPISODE SUMMARY: Michael Miller, a solo practitioner in the area of trusts and estates and past president of the New York State Bar Association, talks about supervising elections in Bosnia, just nine months after the war’s end in 1995. Amid the ruins and casualties of war, and despite persistent rain, Bosnians stood for hours proud … Continued