Category: Podcast

Elizabeth Holtzman | The Case For Impeaching Trump

EPISODE SUMMARY: Former four-term congresswoman, Elizabeth Holtzman discusses her book ‘The Case For Impeaching Trump’, how the Nixon impeachment serves as a precedent for Congress and what the Framers planned for when dealing with a ‘rogue president.’ She also details her experience unseating a 50-year incumbent in 1972 and holding the title of youngest women … Continued

Michael Miller | Free Expression Is the Bedrock of Society

EPISODE SUMMARY: Michael Miller, the 121st President of the New York State Bar Association, discusses his ‘Law Day’ speech at the New York Court of Appeals and why it’s not hyperbole to evoke Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China and the French Reign of Terror when talking the language used by the President of the … Continued

David McCraw | Truth in Our Times, Donald Trump and the Media

EPISODE SUMMARY: David McCraw, Deputy General Counsel for the New York Times and author of Truth in Our Times, discusses his Op-Ed that went ‘viral,’ the symbiotic relationship that exists between President Trump and ‘The Media’ and the one story he regrets not approving to be printed. He also discusses how the New York Times … Continued

Preet Bharara: Public Discourse-Rules, Decorum and Integrity

EPISODE SUMMARY: Preet Bharara discusses his new book Doing Justice and describes how public discourse can be improved by taking lessons from lawyers. He also talks about the issues that arise when decision-makers are in it for personal gain or self-aggrandizement. And of course, he talks about Bruce Springsteen and taking his son to ‘Springsteen … Continued

Jeh Johnson | Obama, Trump, Russia, Immigration, and Leadership

EPISODE SUMMARY: Jeh Johnson, the former United States Secretary of Homeland Security, joins Dave for a wide-ranging conversation detailing how he got his start in public service, the lessons he learned and rationale behind some of his policy decisions. Secretary Johnson discusses his background from growing up in upstate New York, attending Morehouse College and … Continued

MSNBCs Ari Melber, Presenting Evidence and Cross Examinations on TV

EPISODE SUMMARY: MSNBC’s Ari Melber, host of The Beat with Ari Melber, discusses how his legal background helps him present the news to his audience and how it guides his interviewing style. They also discuss the Mueller report, news media and its relationship to democracy, plus the case of Jamal Knox. Read the Jamal Knox … Continued

David Lat Discusses His Career Arc

EPISODE SUMMARY: David Lat joins David to talk about the founding of his website Above the Law, the change in BigLaw culture through the years, how Bar Associations have evolved, his optimism about law schools and his early career as a Federal Prosecutor working for then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie.

Brexit and Data Privacy with Jonathan Armstrong

EPISODE SUMMARY: Jonathan Armstrong joins David to talk about GDPR and how it will affect U.S. companies doing business in the European Union. They also discuss the fallout from data breaches at Facebook and Google and they close by discussing how Brexit could upend the status quo.