Diversity: Celebrating our Progress as we Move Forward

By Scott Karson, President-Elect, New York State Bar Association

January 24, 2020

Diversity: Celebrating our Progress as we Move Forward


By Scott Karson, President-Elect, New York State Bar Association

The New York Law Journal published President-elect Scott Karson’s article on NYSBA’s efforts to increase diversity in leadership and membership.

The New York State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting is a microcosm of the association, and of our profession. My first Annual Meeting, in 1993, revealed just that: thousands of people, all lawyers, but with very diverse practices, coming to New York City from all corners of our state and beyond with a common purpose, gathered together for a week of educating and learning, meeting and connecting.

Six diverse people sitting holding signs
gradient circle (purple) gradient circle (green)


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