Survival of the Fittest: Millennial Lawyers Are Skipping NY Bar Association Events. We Wanted to Know Why

By Susan DeSantis

September 16, 2019

Survival of the Fittest: Millennial Lawyers Are Skipping NY Bar Association Events. We Wanted to Know Why


By Susan DeSantis

The New York Law Journal interviewed two NYSBA members on how to make bar events more attractive to younger members. (may require subscription)

Dues are too expensive. The events aren’t cool. Everyone in the room is twice my age. No one listens to me. I don’t feel like I’m part of the clique. These are the complaints of millennial lawyers who are much less likely to show up at bar association events than lawyers in their 50s or older.

Six diverse people sitting holding signs
gradient circle (purple) gradient circle (green)


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